The Standard of breed

The Standard of breed RODEZIJSKY RIDZHBEK

Developers of the standard - republic of South Africa KUSA, 17/07/2000

Classification: 6 group FCI
Synonyms: the African hound on lions
Country of origin: the Central Africa
Features: Feature of this breed is the crest on a back which is formed of the hair growing against the basic wool. This crest "ridge" - characteristic feature of breed. It should be allocated, narrowed precisely to groats and to be symmetric. It begins behind holki and proceeds to groats, contains only two identical curls, located against each other, the bottom edges of curls should not fall below 1/3 lengths ridzha, average width ridzha - 5 see

General view: the Fast, strong, brawny and vigorous dog of harmonious addition possessing huge endurance and playfulness. The adult dog is majestic.
Temperament: the Counterbalanced, intelligent dog constrained to the strangers, but not shy and not aggressive.
Head: Sufficient length, the skull flat, preferably wide between ears, in a quiet condition is free from wrinkles. A forehead slightly convex. Transition oto a forehead to a muzzle is well expressed. A muzzle long, deep and strong. Mochka a nose black or brown depending on okrasa a wool. Lips dry, are densely pressed.
Eyes: posazhenny it is moderately wide, okruglye, with clever and close expression. On color should be in harmony with okrasom dogs. At black mochke a nose - eyes dark, at brown - amber.
Teeth: White, large, in the complete set. A bite nozhnitseobraznyj.
Ears: Trailing, skintight to a head, are planted highly enough, at the basis wide enough and are gradually narrowed by the rounded off ends.
Neck: Long, strong, without podvesa.
The case: the Breast not too wide, but deep and spacious. Edges moderately convex, not bochkoobraznye. A back strong. A waist strong, brawny.
Forward finitenesses: Lopatki koso put, brawny. Finitenesses absolutely direct, bony, elbows are densely pressed to a body.
Back finitenesses: Brawny, dry, with strongly pronounced corners of joints, pljusny are vertical.
Tail: Sablevidnyj, thick at the basis, it is gradually narrowed by the end, never will curtail into a ring. postav not too high and not too low.
Movements: Free and active.
Wool: Short, dense, direct, skintight and shining, not rough, not twisted and not silky.
Okras: From naaoei-wheaten up to is bright-red. Small white spots on a breast and fingers are supposed. The dark muzzle and ears are admissible.
Growth: Dogs 63-69 see Suki 61-66 see
Weight: 30-35 kg.
Format: slightly stretched.

Disqualifying defects: Kriptorhizm, absence of a crest on a back, atypical okras, white spots (except for a breast and fingers), any deviations of a bite

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