The national Film-logic Organizations (NKO) are recognized to
support ideas Adzhiliti and the Rules established FCI.
B.Pravila FCI
Adzhiliti are the competitions accessible to all dogs.
Essence of competition - overcoming by dogs of various obstacles
without mistakes, development of their comprehension and
This educational and game activity expands distribution and use
of dogs to a society.
These sports provide good mutual understanding between hendlerom
and a dog which should become accomplished. Therefore
participants of competitions should be familiar with elements of
training and bases of obedience.
On a line obstacles which arrangement defines its difficulty and
speed of passage are established. The distance should be passed
by a dog within the limits of established time, and obstacles
should be overcome in the correct order.
1. The basic requirements.
The platform demanded for a construction of a line, should have
the sizes not less 20i h 40i. If installation of two lines is
provided - between them there should be a partition or distance
not less 10i.
The actual length of a distance should be from 100i up to 200i.
Depending on a category of difficulty, from a dog it is required
overcomings from 12* up to 20 obstacles, including not less 7
The width pryzhkovyh obstacles (the dual barrier, a wall or a
viaduct) has as much as possible 0,55i for the Standard and
0,35i for mini.
Pryzhkovaja system (the combined jump: two or three obstacles
are considered as one) has the maximal distance between
components of 5 steps (nearby 3,5i). Each making unit (obstacle)
is estimated separately. These combined jumps can consist only
of barriers with rods.
The distance between two obstacles following one after another
varies from 5i up to 7i.
2. A marking of a line
Figure of a line is completely given to imagination of the
judge, but should include not less than two changes of a
Before the beginning of competitions the judge checks and
measures obstacles in a place of their arrangement and if they
correspond to requirements of Rules, transfers the scheme of a
distance to organizers for arrangement of obstacles.
The judge should check up a line and precisely measure its
Well made line allows a dog to move easily and freely.
The problem consists in reception of correct balance between the
control over a dog, avoiding of mistakes by her on obstacles and
speed from which the line is passed.
Expediently often to change figure of a line, sequence and an
arrangement of obstacles, to avoid automatism at dogs.
Z.Techenie of competitions
Training on a line is not authorized. Before the beginning of
competitions hendlery can pass all line without dogs.
Before the beginning of competitions the judge briefly reminds
participants of feature of overcoming of obstacles, informs
normative and maximal time of passage of a line.
Definition of a standard time (NV)
Speed in the km/s, selected for a line, should define a standard
time. The selected speed depends on a level of competitions and
a degree of difficulty of a line.
NV (in seconds) it is defined by division of length of a line
into the selected speed.
For example: Length of a line of 150 m the selected speed 2,5i/nae.
NV should be 150i: 2,5i/nae = 60 seconds.
Definition of maximal time (MB)
As a rule, the judge declares maximal time as double normative.
If IA=60nae., IA=120nae. Maximal time cannot exceed normative
less, than in 1,5 times.
Criteria of a course of competitions
Hendler enters into a ring (actually a platform where the line
is laid) and leaves a dog (costing, sitting, laying) behind a
starting line. A dog without a collar and povodka. During a
finding on a line a dog, with a view of its safety, all time is
without a collar and povodka. During passage of a line hendler
should not hold in hands anything. Hendler can be in any place
of a line.
On a signal of the judge hendler starts up a dog. Readout of
time begins from the moment of crossing by a dog of a line of
start. The variety of commands a voice and gestures is
authorized during all competitions.
Hendler should watch that the dog overcame obstacles strictly in
the specified sequence, to not concern obstacles or a dog.
Hendler should not overcome an obstacle.
The line is considered finished and time stops, when the dog
crosses a line of finish.
Hendler takes a dog on povodok and leaves a place of
The obstacles approved FCI:
Soft tunnel
Viaduct (wall)
Fence (And
The trunk (hoop)
Broad jump
Rigid tunnel
Jump through water
Obstacles under no circumstances cannot be dangerous to dogs and
should answer the next sizes:
Height: the Standard - 55ni-65ni; mini - 30ni-40ni
The minimal width - 1,20i.
Barriers can be executed from planok (metal or plastic are
undesirable), continuous, with apertures, with brushes. The top
rod should be legkopadajushchej.
Two simple barriers (as in item "and") are put by a number,
forming the form of the dual barrier (barriers only with rods).
Plancks are established with increase of the height, the first
differs from the second on 20ni-25ni.
The back rod is established at height:
- For the Standard - 55ni-a5ni; - for mini - 30ni-40ni.
The distance between components should not exceed:
- For the Standard - 55ni; - for mini - 35ni.
The standard - 55ni-65ni; mini - 30ni-40ni
The minimal width - 1,20i. Thickness nearby 20ni.
The panel can have 1 or 2 tonneleobraznyh apertures.
On a wall should be legkopadajushchie elements. The form of
these elements looks so:
The area: minimal - 0,90i h 0,90i, maximal - 1,20i h 1,20i.
Height: the Standard - 60ni, mini-35ni.
The table should be steady and with a nonslipping surface.
Height: a minimum - 1,20i, a maximum-1,35i.
The length of components can be a minimum 3,60i, a maximum
4,20i. Boards should be width 30ni. **
Inclined gangways should have through equal intervals (nearby
25ni) the special rods excluding sliding both facilitating rise
and descent. Planck should not settle down in a 10-centimetric
top part of a contact zone.
Each inclined gangway other part of an obstacle has painted in
other color, than, a contact zone in length 90ni from the bottom
end (are painted top and lateral surfaces).
The length of boards can be a minimum 3,65i, a maximum - 4,25i.
Width of a board 30ni. The height of the central axis from the
ground makes 1/6 from length of a board.
For example: length of a board - 3,65i, height - 60ni; length of
a board - 4,25i, height - 70ni.
Contact zones same as on boom.
The obstacle should be steady, and a surface of a board
However on a board should not be protivoskolzjashchih planok.
For mini the additional balancing cargo is if necessary
Fence (And-frame):
Two inclined planes having form A
Width: 90 sm a minimum, in the bottom part are possible
expansion up to 1,50i.
Planes above incorporate and should be:
The standard: at height 1,90i and under a corner of 90 degrees.
mini: planes should be more open (sloping) and "konek" at height
Each inclined plane should have through equal intervals (about
25 sm) the special rods excluding sliding both facilitating rise
and descent. Planck should not settle down in a 10-centimetric
top part of a contact zone. Each plane has painted in other
color, than other part of an obstacle, a contact zone in length
1,06i from the bottom end (are painted top and lateral
surfaces). The Junction of planes ("konek") should not represent
danger to dogs and can be closed, in case of need, by a
protective rubber strip.
Number shestov: 8, 10 or 12 with the minimal height 1i. Distance
between shestami: a minimum 50ni and, a maximum 65ni.
Diameter - 60ni. Length - from 3i up to 6i.
Elastic enough tunnel to make one or several bends.
Soft tunnel (developing):
Has an input of a rigid design in length of 90 sm, height 60 sm
and width from 60 sm up to 65ni. The output is made of a soft
material in length from 3i up to 3,50i.
Diameter of an output from 60ni up to 65ni.
The trunk (Hoop):
Diameter of an aperture a minimum of 38 sm, a maximum 60 see
Height of the center of an aperture above the ground: the
Standard - 80ni, mini - 55ni.
The internal bottom part of the trunk should be filled with a
view of safety. The trunk should be adjustable on height, is
fixed by circuits or cables. Rigid fastening is not authorized.
Broad jump:
Three-five separate elements are overcome by a long jump.
The general length of an obstacle:
For the Standard a minimum of 1,20 m and a maximum of 1,50 m;
For mini - a minimum of 60 sm and a maximum 75 see
Width of elements a minimum 1,20i.
Height of the highest element of 28 sm, the lowest 15 see
The top panel of each element has a small bias (skos) and width
15 see Angular shesty with the minimal height approximately 1,20
m should be at all four corners. Tops shestov should be closed
with a view of safety protective kolpachkom. The bottom ends
shestov are not fixed and not fastened among themselves.
Water jump ("small river"):
Surface of water of 1,20 m h 0,75 m with the maximal depth 10ni.
Length of a jump: the Standard - 1,20i; mini - 0,75i.
This obstacle includes also the low barrier consisting
exclusively from planok. It always should be in the beginning of
an obstacle.
Height of such barrier:
The standard - 40ni;
mini - 20ni.
Angular shesty same as on a broad jump.
Start and finish:
Systems " Starts " and "Finish" should be established a maximum
in 1i from first and last obstacle. Besides the distance between
shestami each installation should be same, as length planok in
barriers + 50 see
Decisions of the judge final also are not challenged.
1. The general provisions
The purpose - to give to a dog an opportunity to overcome a line
correctly and in a standard time. However the standard time -
exclusively the competence of the judge, speed therefore cannot
be the main criterion.
Adzhiliti is a competition in skill, instead of in speed.
At definition of superiority advantage is received by a dog
having smaller quantity of mistakes on a line. Time takes into
consideration only in case of equality of the sum of penal
In case of full equality of all penal glasses (a mistake on a
line + the time penalty) the judge makes a decision on repeated
2. Mistakes. The general provisions
Penal glasses are charged in case of:
Mistakes and refusals (stops) on a distance;
Mistakes for excess of a standard time at passage of a line.
Excess NV: 1,00 penal spot for every second.
The General mistakes
hendler cannot pass between racks of start and (or) finish,
otherwise it will be fined (5 glasses). Moreover, the stop watch
joins in that moment when hendler crosses starting stvor, i.e.
passes between racks of start;
hendler which deliberately touches the dog, it will be fined (5
hendler which deliberately concerns obstacles, it will be fined
(5 glasses).
Mistakes on a line
Any mistakes on a line are estimated by five penal glasses.
The mistake is set off at falling an obstacle or its part if it
occurs before the dog has purely overcome a following obstacle.
It is estimated as refusal: a stop of a dog before an obstacle
or in a line. If the dog runs by an obstacle or jumps by an
obstacle. The dog jumps between a frame and the trunk or passes
through a broad jump. Statement of paws in a tunnel or
zasovyvanie in a tunnel of a head and returning back.
The contact zone - on a fence (And-frame), boom and a swing a
dog should concern a contact zone both on rise, and on descent
at least with one paw. nekasanie it is fined: 5 glasses
everyone. Refusal should be corrected, default leads to
disqualification. The same concerns to a slalom where the
mistake should be corrected. Immediately.
Other mistakes: the dog is fined for destruction or the miss of
a contact zone, but continues run.
Specific mistakes on obstacles
The dog is on a table of 5 seconds in the certain position:
- Adzhiliti 1 - laying.
- Adzhiliti 2 and 3: before the beginning of competitions the
judge defines a position. It can be "sit, "lay or "stand". The
selected position will be identical to all during all
If the dog leaves a table before the termination of the account
and the sanction of the judge, it is fined as for a mistake (5
glasses) and should return on a table for end of the account.
For default - disqualification.
Readout (timing) begins, when the dog takes of the ordered
position. The account interrupts, if the dog changes position,
and proceeds, when it will return to the set position.
The dog can get on a table from any of three parties: And, In
and S.Esli the dog passes a back line of a table or runs under
it is a refusal (5 glasses). After that the dog can jump on a
table from any party and will not be disqualified for passage of
an obstacle from the wrong party.
Correct movement
If the dog proskolznula on a table is will be a mistake, and it
gets on a table from any party.
Run of dogs under a table is estimated as refusal (5 glasses).
If the dog jumps off from an obstacle before will concern with
all four paws of a gangway on descent - it is fined as for
refusal (5 glasses).
The dog who jumps off from an obstacle before will pass the
axial console, is fined as for refusal (5 glasses).
Swing should concern the grounds before the dog jumps off from
an obstacle, differently it will be a mistake (5 glasses).
Fence (And-frame)
The dog who jumps off from an obstacle before will concern with
all four paws of inclined descent, is punished as for refusal (5
The first shest should be to the left of a dog, the second on
the right and so on.
The wrong input is fined as refusal (5 glasses).
The dog is fined as for a mistake (5 glasses) for the miss of a
gate. Each mistake on a slalom should be corrected immediately.
The slalom is a unique obstacle on which the dog should be
returned to a place where it has made a mistake, that in itself
is the penalty on time. Therefore each wrong input is qualified
as refusal (5 glasses), other mistakes in a slalom are limited
to 5 penal glasses. The maximal penalty - 15 glasses (2 refusals
of =10 glasses + one or more mistakes = 5 glasses).
In case of a wrong output from a slalom disqualification if
hendler, not paid attention to it, overcomes a following
obstacle follows.
Broad jump
The obstacle is put so that to provide a jump in length 1,20i a
minimum and 1,50 m a maximum.
For mini-aa?eeeoe: according to 0,60 m and 0,75 m.
probeganie by a broad jump or the jump in it is estimated as
refusal (5 glasses).
TOWAGE of the SKIER (Skidzhoring)
TOWAGE of the SKIER (Skidzhoring)
General provisions
On this service skills Are checked
- The beginning of movement from a place, the attitude to
distracting razdrazhiteljam and to a shot, speed of towage of
the skier (are checked in a complex),
- Delay of run, a stop,
- Turns to the right and on the left (on two turns in each
Tests are spent on flat district (on athletic fields-training,
on waste grounds, in parks, forest parks on few naezzhennym to
roads or a dense snow, at absence of the big wind, a strong
thawing weather or a frost
Towage of the skier is carried out by the single dog having as
equipment rideable shlejku of any design, but only with one
povodkom, length no more than 5 m, fastening to shlejke from the
top party (along a back of a dog).
Ski a stick during towage to use it is not authorized
Distance of towage - a ski track in length of 1000 m, one is
abrupt with turn through 500 m (the scheme 2)
For check of change of a direction of movement on a command away
from the basic ski track the square 60 h 60 m which shares a ski
track on squares 20 h 20 m Through 20 m from the beginning of
movement the tag specifying a place of change of a direction of
movement of a dog is marked is established Then through everyone
of 20 m from the first tag are established three more tags also
specifying a place of change of a direction of movement of a dog
(the scheme 3)
The route of movement and sequence of turns can change on each
tests the Basic line of towage and a line for turns can pass in
parallel, at presence of distance between them not less than 50
m. On the basic line of towage the judge puts two assistants to
the judge to one - with a starting pistol in 250 m from start
and in 10-15i from a route, the second - 500 m from start on a
place of turn (it fixes numbers of trainers in the report).
The description of performance of skills
The beginning of movement from a place.
Command a voice " Forward! ".
On a call of the judge the next trainer with a dog leaves on a
line of start. On a command " Forward! " Accepts starting
position so that skoby fastenings of its skis were before a line
of start. The dog at the left leg of the trainer in position "
To sit! ". On a command of the judge " the March! " The trainer
submits to a dog a command " Forward! " And the first 10i has
the right to help a dog the movements on skis; repeated commands
in this piece are fined.
Two false starts are supposed, false start of a dog is not
considered. A signal of false start a command of the judge "
Back! ".
The dog should begin sharply on the first command of the trainer
movement, pull povodok and pull the trainer behind itself.
Skill is considered outstanding if the dog does not execute a
Speed of towage, the attitude to distracting razdrazhiteljam and
to a shot.
Commands a voice " Forward! ", encouragement with a voice " is
good! ".
The dog continues to tow, the trainer during all distance can
encourage a dog with a voice " Well! " And a command " Forward!
", but cannot help the movements on skis.
The dog should tow the trainer on tense to vodka, to not react
on distracting strangers razdrazhiteli, meeting on a way.
The attitude of a dog to a shot is checked by a shot from a
starting pistol during that moment when the dog runs by the
first assistant to the judge. The dog should not pay attention
to a shot, continue towage, not distracting from a route.
Having overcome first half of distance up to the second
assistant to the judge, the trainer with a dog does a turn. Thus
it is authorized to it, as well as in the beginning of movement
from start, within the limits of 10 m to help a dog the
movements on skis. Having developed, the trainer with a dog
continues towage in the opposite direction. All distance of
towage should be passed no more, than for 30 minutes 30 sek.
Skill is considered outstanding if the dog leaves obedience.
Delay of run, stop.
The command a voice " is more silent! ", " cost! ".
After crossing a line of "finish" by a dog, the trainer submits
to it a command " More silently! ", on which the dog within the
limits of 10 - 15 m should slow down rate of movement and then
on a command " Cost! " To be fixed in position "to stand", the
trainer stops.
Skill is considered outstanding if the dog does not execute the
command submitted to it.
Turns to the right and to the left.
Commands a voice " the Right! " Or " it is left! ", " forward!
On a call of the judge the trainer with a dog leaves on a line ?
2 for passage of turns. Having passed 20 m up to the first tag,
the trainer submits commands " the Right! " Or " it is left! ",
" forward! ", depending on the location of the tag specifying
change of a direction of movement and, after performance by a
dog of the command submitted to it, continues movement in this
direction (repeated commands at passage of turns are fined).
Having approached to the second tag, the trainer also submits to
a dog of a command " the Right! " Or " it is left! ", " forward!
", depending on the location of the third tag specifying a
direction of the further change of movement, etc. while the dog
will not execute two turns to the right and two turns on the
At overcoming turns the trainer and a dog should bypass each tag
specifying a direction of movement from the external party.
The trainer at overcoming turns is authorized to help to a dog
the movements, but thus it has no right to come forward a dog
towing it or to go in parallel with it. Skill is considered
outstanding if the dog does not execute the command submitted to
Tables of points of work of dogs
On tests on towage of the skier (BL)
The table of the minimal points the Maximum estimation - 100
points. ?? The Name of skills the Maximum estimation the
Assessment of works of a dog
Dip 1no Aei2no Dip 3cO
1. The beginning of movement from a place 20 18 16 12
2. The attitude to distracting razdrazhiteljam and to a shot 20
18 16 12
3. Speed of towage of the skier 20 18 16 12
4. Delay of run, a stop 20 18 16 12
5. Turns to the right, to the left 20 18 16 12